Hey Raven, I ❤️ You!

💖 We've known each other for:

8 years, 38 days, 18 hours, 25 seconds, 605 milliseconds,

🍿 Time since our first date:

8 years, 35 days, 5 hours, 43 minutes, 25 seconds, 605 milliseconds,

💍 We've been married for:

6 years, 122 days, 20 hours, 43 minutes, 25 seconds, 605 milliseconds,

💻 This place has been live for:

4 years, 27 days, 11 hours, 11 minutes, 25 seconds, 605 milliseconds,

I wanted raven.place to be a monument to the strength and longevity of our relationship.

It's a special place you can visit whenver you want to be reminded of our bond together.

(Assuming you have access to a device with a web browser.)

I will update this page with more important dates as they happen!

I love you a lot! ❤️

With love, from Andrew